Perforated Vanities II, centers on an overblown wall drawing of a food mill, a domestic object I used each fall with my mother to make applesauce as I was growing up. This image, along with other elements of the immersive installation, refers to memories that not only conjure familial tasks, but also emotional ties found through sharing mundane tools. The mill is projected into the corner of the gallery, onto the floor and ceiling to increase the distortion seen from different angles and to confront the viewer. Turned on its side, the mill spills an energetic dot pattern, leading to a tablet quote from Thomas Hume on the meaning of objects in our lives. A graphic drawing style provides a tongue-in-cheek counter to the serious philosopher. Other objects in the room are constructed of combined, found and drawn objects: retail racks, hair dryer diffusers, clothing hangers, drawings of tools on clear vinyl, aluminum leaf-covered tree limbs. Enlarged drawings from graphic ads continue on the walls, and more tool drawings are suspended from the ceiling. Glaring tube lights emphasize the surreal quality of remembering
moments from the past.